Today's Star Learners!
Reaching academic goals...
Star Learners!
We are making academic goals like crazy!
Computer Science Shining Stars and Shoot for the Stars Learners make my day amazing!
Shooting for the Stars!
So proud...
Tonight is our annual Pumpkin Walk. Join us between 5-7 and see all the impressive displays.
This week is Red Ribbon Week at Century Elementary!
Shout out to Box Elder High School Student Government! They came to kick off our food drive next week. Talk to your students about the food drive and get them involved. Stars can make a difference.
A big shout out to Bear River High School Hope Squad. They came and taught some great life skills. Ask your student what they learned today.
Awesome PE Star Sportsman award winners!
We have amazing Keyboarding Super Stars!
Wahoo! Check out our Star Musicians and our Computer Science Shining Stars.
The last Good Sportsmanship Awards of the year. We are so proud of our students!
Shoot for the Stars Learners.
Star Learners!
We have good sportsmanship students at Century!
Today's academic goal achievers!
Shoot for the Stars Learners!